Wednesday, April 28, 2010


It has been so long since I have written. I had a long period of recovery after my last blow. Although we had a good plan for a way to finance our IVF, it was still months away, and on top of that, I really didn't believe it would happen. It seems that if there is any amount of money in our bank account, an expense will come along and take it.

As luck would have it my DH received another job offer which provided insurance to cover IVF. It was a godsend. We were able to use the money we had saved to fix our pool, and repair our fence. This will be a nice spot to spend the summer reading and enjoying family. The downside...the insurance didn't start until April 1. So, we had to wait.

I had planned a cycle for the beginning of June, and took vacation from work during the week of anticipated egg retrieval and transfer. However, as luck would have it, my always 28 day cycle turned to 31 days last month. Therefore, it changed everything for my cycle plan. My new cycle was a week later, and the week of my step daughters graduation. Not good. There was no vacation available for the following cycle, so I decided if I was going to have to call out from work anyway, we might was well move it up. So were are getting ready to cycle this week.

I have completed all of my testing. The one I was most concerned about was the saline sonogram (sonohistogram). I went for this appointment after reading pages of how horrible it was. I was scared to death. The ultrasound tech just kept saying "everyone survives". Comforting. My OB/GYN whom I LOVE came in. She placed the speculum, and they inserted a tiny catheter to place the saline. I never felt a thing other than one small cramp (and I mean small), and a slight twinge when the catheter came out. Then I was squishy for the rest of the day.

My antral follicle count was low. I had 3 on the left ovary. They weren't able to visualize the right ovary on that exam, but did see 3 on the right during my sonohistogram. My labs were normal, other than a very slightly elevated FSH. Seems everything is a go.

I am doing an antagonist protocol, without and BCP firt. We will start this week as soon as AF arrives. She is taking her time and its driving me crazy. I have 7000.00 worth of med in my fridge just screaming my name.

I will try to post more often now that we are not stagnant.

Wish me luck

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